Three trends to reflect on before the crypto bull market resumes

Three trends to reflect on before the crypto bull market resumes

Cointelegraph, a leading cryptocurrency media outlet, has outlined three key industry trends to watch for before the crypto bull market resumes

  1. Combining artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology. A number of projects are currently trying to innovate at the intersection of blockchain and AI. There are no guarantees, but the narrative is strong.
  2. Tokenization of real assets, especially bonds. In traditional financial markets, the bond market is larger than the stock market. While indirect participation is possible through stablecoins, the crypto industry does not yet have a bond market that players can directly participate in. Tokenization technology can solve this problem.
  3. Advancement of blockchain technology itself. The main challenges are technological advancements such as increasing efficiency, increasing transaction throughput, and reducing operating costs. System-level advancements such as parallel EVMs and zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs are being developed to enhance blockchain capabilities.

As Cointelegraph notes, “When considering investing in a trend, it's important to remember that large funds have already made moves. If there is a compelling narrative, they are likely to be the first to invest. It's important to remember that in the world of investing, it's the big players that drive the game, and it's important to stay on top of things.”

Is it safe to say that Cointelegraph believes the bull market is over?