Nestree launches blockchain bridge service 'Bridge.Nestree'

Nestree launches blockchain bridge service 'Bridge.Nestree'

Nestree(In South Korea), a platform that provides analytics, insights, data and a rewards platform for the WEB3 space, is launching the Token Bridge service to move tokens from the Ethereum network to AvitrumNova. 

Each blockchain has its own protocols and rules that prevent them from connecting to each other. Nestree's 'Bridge.Nestree' is a tool that connects these different blockchains and allows users to transfer their digital currency or assets while preserving their value, and is considered a key service technology for building an efficient blockchain ecosystem with high interoperability. In addition, its layer 1 and layer 2 agnostic nature allows users to connect multiple blockchains without a set direction, supporting more diverse and easier user experience activities.

Through the Token Bridge service, Nestree enables its own ecosystem token, the EGG token, to be bridged in both directions to the Ethereum ERC-20 and Layer 2 Arbitrum Nova networks. The company plans to expand the number of bridged tokens in the future. 

From a technical standpoint, Arbitrum has significant advantages over the Ethereum network, with very low fees and high speeds that maximize the utility of rewarded tokens. Nova is also designed to address the unique needs of gaming, social and blockchain dApps by providing high throughput transactions, and is optimized to ensure strong security by building on Arbitrum AnyTrust technology. Arbitrum Network was also selected because it is considered a major player in the decentralized application ecosystem, with technology exchange projects with industry-leading partners such as Offchain Labs, Reddit, Google Cloud, and Consensus.

"The bridge service will offer low transaction fees and fast processing speeds, laying the groundwork for convenient dapps for both domestic and international users," said Nestree. "This is the cornerstone of providing convenient dapps for both domestic and international users. "Expanding to Avitrum, a favorite among global WEB3 users, was a necessary step for Nestree as we plan to launch a variety of applications and services." "By leveraging the strengths of multiple blockchains that will be added in the future, we will have the low fees and high speed of Layer 2 with the reliability of Layer 1, such as Ethereum. Nestree will continue to mature, creating a user-friendly service development and ecosystem environment through organic harmonization and support of the many projects and technical specifications that exist on the blockchain."

Learn more about Nestree’s Blockchain Bridge below.
🔗 Bridge.Nestree Service
🔗 Bridge.Nestree User Guide