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Market maker activity is not uncommon. What changes are coming to the market? It will be influenced by the movements of Bitcoin and Ethereum, but...

Market maker activity is not uncommon. What changes are coming to the market? It will be influenced by the movements of Bitcoin and Ethereum, but...

According to LookOnChain, "Crypto market maker Wintermute appears to have become a market maker for the ERC404 token standard project PANDORA. Five hours ago, the PANDORA team issued 100 PANDORA ($1.8 million) and transferred it to Wintermute". The ERC404 standard has become one of the hottest topics of the moment.

Meanwhile, DWF Labs co-founder Andrei Grachev announced via X that "DWF Labs is joining the Israeli layer 3 blockchain Project ORBS network as a validator," so it will be interesting to see what happens next.

Another high-profile market maker, GSR Markets, deposited ARKM 800,000 ($1.2 million) on Binance an hour ago. GSR now reportedly holds 8.6 million ARKM ($12.9 million).