Elon Musk's father to raise $200 million by issuing memecoin

Elon Musk's father, Errol Musk, told Fortune Crypto that he is “trying to raise $150 million to $200 million through a token project called Musk It.” He added, “The procurement funds will be used for the new for-profit think tank, the Musk Institute.” I came up with the idea for the Musk Lab at the end of last year, then decided on the name and decided to issue tokens. In addition, the memecoin I will issue will inevitably be associated with my son (Elon Musk), but this is not a big problem. “Because I am the head of the Musk family.” The media said, “Earl Musk's side did not provide detailed information about MuskIt, such as talknomics. In addition, there is a high possibility that the relationship between Elon Musk and Eroll Musk, which was initially not good, will worsen further due to the issue of issuing tokens,” he added.