Binance co-founder wants “Zhao Changpeng to be sentenced for his ignorant mistakes.”

Binance co-founder wants “Zhao Changpeng to be sentenced for his ignorant mistakes.”

According to Woblockchain, Binance co-founder He Yi said in a court petition for former Binance CEO Zhao Changpeng's leniency that “Zhao's biggest mistake was his ignorance.” “Most of the members of Binance's founding team had no legal background and few could read English, except for Mr. Zhao. This lack of preparation for regulatory compliance cost Binance and Zhao Changpeng dearly.”

Zhao submitted a handwritten reflection to the presiding judge the day before, and his relatives delivered 161 petitions to the court. U.S. prosecutors had previously sentenced former Binance CEO Zhao Changpeng to 36 months in prison for anti-money laundering and sanctions violations. He is currently being held on $175 million bail and is scheduled to be sentenced on April 30 (local time).