Polymarket users bet on 96% chance of Zhao Changpeng being released from prison within two years

Polymarket users bet on 96% chance of Zhao Changpeng being released from prison within two years

Users of decentralized cryptocurrency betting platform Polymarket are giving former Binance CEO Zhao Changpeng a 96% chance of being released from prison within two years, according to Coindesk. The odds are 42% that he will serve less than six months in prison, 17% for 6-11 months, and 19% for 12-17 months. There is less than a 2% chance that he will be sentenced to the 36-month prison term sought by U.S. prosecutors (30-35 months). Zhao is currently being held in jail on $175 million bail and is scheduled to be sentenced on April 30th (local time).